Phani Raja Rao Cheruku Somasundara Rao
About Phani Raja Rao Cheruku Somasundara Rao
Phani Raja Rao Cheruku Somasundara Rao is registered as Director with Ministry of Corporate Affairs having DIN 09046476 and is currently associated with 0 Companies. The Total paid up capital of all companies where Phani Raja Rao Cheruku Somasundara Rao holds active directorship is ₹ N/A.
As Per Our Record Phani Raja Rao Cheruku Somasundara Rao most recent directorship is with 0 Companies. Phani Raja Rao Cheruku Somasundara Rao holds Directorship in 0 Companies which are Active and therefore, 0 are inactive in status. Possessing a vast experience over several years.
Phani Raja Rao Cheruku Somasundara Rao bearing DIN 09046476 is not disqualified by ROC u/s 164(2)..