Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03168048 DHANANJAY SHARAD KUTWAL Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
03110354 GIRISH GOVINDRAO KAKDE Wholetime Director 2010-07-21
03167732 KIRANKUMAR DNYANDEO NALE Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
03167730 MEGHANA RAMKRISHNA BARVE Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
00055346 PRACHI PRASAD JOSHI Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
00055343 PRASAD VIJAYKUMAR JOSHI Wholetime Director 2010-07-21
03173014 RAJENN MURLIDHAR PANDIT Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
03167728 RATNALI SAGAR GANDHI Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
03167731 SACHIN SADASHIV GOSAVI Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
06963389 SAMIDHA GIRISH KAKDE Wholetime Director 2014-10-01
03167729 SANJAY GANPATRAO DHUMAL Wholetime Director 2010-08-28
02204654 SANJAY KRISHNAJI RAUT Wholetime Director 2014-12-10
03168041 SHARAD GANPATRAO DHAIGUDE Wholetime Director 2010-08-28


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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