Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03102421 AJIT SHRINIWAS MARATHE Director 2010-10-19
07082847 ANIL KUMAR SHARMA Director 2017-07-13
00924587 DARSHAK JITENDRA SHAH Director 2017-05-03
08185723 JAGJEET KAUR AHLUWALIA Director 2018-07-24
03105504 JITESH PRAMODKUMAR AGRAWAL Director 2010-10-19
00097093 MANISH JASWANTSINGH BHACHOO Director 2017-05-03
03106641 RAMESH RANCHHODBHAI MADAT Director 2010-10-19
01487210 SAMEER ASHOK PAIGANKAR Director 2017-05-03
03141744 SUSHANT SHASHIKANT RAORANE Director 2010-10-19


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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