Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07449099 ANIL GUPTA KUMAR Director 2017-05-16
07031814 DHARM RAJ JAISWAL Director 2014-12-17
07882418 MADAN MOHAN TIWARI Director 2017-05-16
07031815 MAHESH CHANDRA Director 2014-12-17
07031817 MAHESH CHANDRA BHATT Director 2014-12-17
05236478 MOHD TARIQ Director 2014-12-17
05236476 RUPENDRA SINGH RAWAT Director 2014-12-17
07881953 SATISH KUMAR TALWAR Director 2017-05-16
07882425 TRILOCHAN DUMKA Director 2017-05-16
07882426 VINOD KUMAR AGARAWAL Director 2017-05-16
02932439 VINOD KUMAR CHAWLA Director 2014-12-17


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