Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06654762 MUKESH SURESH MITTAL Director 2015-07-20
02789173 RADHESHAM BAJRANGLAL AGRAWAL Director 2015-07-20
00068927 RAJESH DWARKAPRASAD BANSAL Director 2015-07-20
01780584 RAJESH SURENDRAKUMAR AGARWAL Director 2015-07-20
02987582 RATANLAL HUKUMCHAND GOYAL Director 2015-07-20
06654765 RESHAMSINGH ASSARAM AGARWAL Director 2016-06-06
02723187 VINOD RAMKARAN AGARWAL Director 2015-07-20
06654760 VINOD VASUDEO JALAN Director 2015-07-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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