Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08185783 AMULBHAI BALVANTRAY BHATT Director 2018-06-14
07012157 ARJAV JAGDISHBHAI SHAH Additional Director 2014-02-25
08234238 ATUL CHIMANLAL BHAVSAR Director 2018-07-06
08185756 BIJAL RUPESHBHAI PATEL Director 2018-06-14
07406802 DINESHKUMAR SHRIDAYAL SHARMA Additional Director 2016-03-23
08460843 JASHWANTKUMAR RAMJIBHAI MOTHALIYA Additional Director 2018-07-16
06811311 MUKESH KUMAR Additional Director 2016-06-29
07366954 RAKESH RAMNATH YADAV Director 2018-08-04


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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