Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01757986 AVINASH ANANT BOPARDIKAR Director 2010-03-18
05297642 CHINMAY RAMCHANDRA SUKHATANKAR Additional Director 2014-06-18
01252162 DAULAT JANKU SHINDE Director 2012-03-26
01234180 KARBHARI MATHUJI BHINGARE Director 2010-03-18
02566581 MILIND DINKAR KULKARNI Director 2012-03-26
01557954 NAGRAJ ANANDU BADAGERI Director 2019-09-19
02386453 RAJIV PANDURANG GORE Director 2010-03-18
00452834 SATISH DATTATRAYA SALVEKAR Director 2010-03-18
02679077 SHASHANK SUDHAKAR KULKARNI Director 2012-03-26


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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