Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08366687 ASHOK DOLATSINH BAROT Director 2019-03-28
00160167 GAUTAMKUMAR MITHALAL JAIN Director 2014-01-21
00671652 GOKUL MRUGESH JAYKRISHNA Director 1994-01-01
05291605 JIGAR MUKESH PATEL Director 2017-12-11
07549243 MAITRI KIRANKUMAR MEHTA Director 2019-03-28
00671693 MUNJAL MRUGESH JAYKRISHNA Managing Director 1995-06-28
00671721 PARU MRUGESH JAYKRISHNA Managing Director 1989-07-04
01539732 PRADEEPBHAI JASUBHAI JHA Director 2002-05-28


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