Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00628659 ANIL RAJERAM AGARWAL Director 2007-09-05
01935901 ANUP NARANDAS SHAH Director 2012-09-08
00169618 HITENDRA BHUPATRAI BHALARIA Director 2006-09-09
02819054 JAGESH JAIN Director 2010-09-23
02819146 JAYESH PREMJI DEDHIA Director 2006-09-09
00278891 KETAN MAHENDRA SHAH Director 2006-09-09
06721121 MAHESH SHYAMLAL GUPTA Director 2012-09-08
00651876 NAVIN RATANSHI GADA Director 2010-09-23
02074518 PARESH KANTILAL MEHTA Director 2006-09-09
02819123 PARESH RAMESHCHANDRA SHAH Director 2006-09-09
06721126 RAJESH PRAVINCHANDRA SHAH Director 2012-09-08
02948035 RAMESH RIKHAVDAS SHAH Director 2006-09-09
00802644 SAILESH CHIMANLAL SHAH Director 2006-09-09
00594952 SANJAY VERSHI SAVLA Director 2008-09-24
08393799 TEJASH RAMESH SHAH Director 2019-03-20
01084865 VIHANG VASANT KOTADIA Director 2012-09-08


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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