Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02085093 AREEKAT KUNJUVAREED JOSE Director 2008-09-20
01836867 ARIKKATT UTHUPP DAVIS Director 2003-09-23
07632667 EDATHADAN NARAYANAN SANTHOSH Director 2016-09-26
00060613 KANNAMPUZHA PAILAN JOHNY Managing Director 1997-09-27
08282483 MENACHERY THOMMANKUTTY JAMES Director 2018-12-15
07324509 NANGINI JACOB PAUL Director 2015-09-26
01837231 PUTHENPARAMBIL KUSMOS JOB Director 2006-09-23
06452934 VADAKEPEEDIKA PAULOSE DAVIS Director 2013-09-28


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