Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00023075 IQBAL SINGH ANAND Director 2015-09-25
00008393 NAVJEET SINGH SOBTI Director 2017-03-06
00023193 PAWANDEEP SINGH ANAND Director 2015-09-25
07829444 RAJNEESH BAWA Director 2017-07-28
02720547 RAVLEEN KAUR ANAND Wholetime Director 2009-06-01
08418319 SANTANU DAS Wholetime Director 2019-04-15
00290929 SUBHASH CHANDER BANSAL Director 2014-06-02
00169907 SURINDER SINGH KOHLI Director 2019-11-08
00038356 TEJBIR SINGH ANAND Managing Director 1999-01-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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