Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00004781 APURVA RAJENDRA SHAH Director 1999-09-24
00004720 ARVIND TARACHAND SHAH Wholetime Director 1995-03-07
00004704 DHARMESH DINESH SHAH Director 1995-03-07
00004685 DINESH TARACHAND SHAH Director 1995-03-07
07440353 JAYANTILAL PARMAR Additional Director 2019-11-13
00007198 KUNDAPUR MOHANRAM PAI Director 1995-03-18
01658439 MILIND HASMUKH GANDHI Director 2008-10-16
03352749 MIYAR RAMANATH NAYAK Director 2014-01-17
01642373 NEHA RAJEN GADA Director 2015-03-30
00004759 PRIYANSHU ARVIND SHAH Wholetime Director 2004-11-01
06811700 RAHIL VIPUL SHAH Director 2014-01-17
00004746 VIPUL PRABODH SHAH Managing Director 1995-03-07


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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