Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07683098 BHARATKUMAR BHAGATRAJ AHUJA Nominee Director 2017-01-16
00213074 DEEPAK SHAMBUNATH MAHENDRA Nominee Director 2017-06-12
08073517 KIRAN KAMLAKAR VAIDYA Managing Director 2017-12-01
00525234 PRADEEP KUMAR BHARGAVA Nominee Director 2018-09-29
05271979 PRASHANT DAGDU GIRBANE Nominee Director 2018-09-29
05255178 PRAVIN BHAGUJI TUPE Nominee Director 2017-01-16
07072780 SHRAVAN PRAMOD HARDIKAR Nominee Director 2017-05-22
05243645 SHRIKANT RAGHUNATH MARATHE Nominee Director 2012-05-02
00056867 SUDHIR MEHTA Nominee Director 2021-03-23
00640260 VISHWANATH LAXMANRAO RAJALE Nominee Director 2017-01-16


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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