Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07481020 AUGESTIN ANTO Director 2016-04-30
05116111 BABU JOHN Director 2016-04-30
03259576 BIJU Director 2016-04-30
07481025 DERIN KUDILINGAL DAVIS Director 2016-04-30
07481021 JACKO PUTHENPURAKKAL AUGUSTINE Director 2016-04-30
07481019 JEESON VALLUPPARA KUNJITHOMAN Director 2016-04-30
07481022 JOMY JOHN Managing Director 2016-04-30
07481028 JUBY ROY Wholetime Director 2016-04-30
07485019 LEKHA Director 2016-04-30
07481030 PAUL VALLOOPARAMBIL CHAKU Director 2016-04-30
07481024 SHAJU PULLUKARAN DEVASSY Director 2016-04-30
07481026 STEPHY FRANCIS Director 2016-04-30
07481023 TILSEN VALLUPPARA VINCEN Director 2016-04-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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