Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01361110 ANAMI NARAYAN PREMA ROY Director 2019-01-01
00025254 BALAJI RAO JAGANNATHRAO DOVETON Director 2008-01-30
01080602 GITA PIRAMAL Director 2014-03-27
00014593 MADHURKUMAR RAMKRISHNAJI BAJAJ Director 2007-05-10
00040055 MANISH SANTOSHKUMAR KEJRIWAL Director 2019-01-01
00630825 NAUSHAD DARIUS FORBES Director 2017-09-13
00018262 RAJIVNAYAN RAHULKUMAR BAJAJ Director 2007-05-02
00014615 SANJIVNAYAN RAHULKUMAR BAJAJ Managing Director 2007-05-02


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