Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01768638 AJIT DATTOPANT KULKARNI Director 2003-04-07
01936692 ANIL ANAND MAHAJAN Director 2003-04-07
00856385 ANIL DATTOPANT KULKARNI Director 1998-04-01
00983499 DAMODAR PANDURANG WAGLE Director 1998-04-01
01768660 GOVIND SHRIPAD BHOGALE Director 2003-04-07
01768685 KISHORE LAXMANRAO NARGUND Director 2003-04-07
01768844 MADHUSUDAN VISHWANATH MANJREKAR Director 2002-04-01
01768602 NARAYAN BHASKAR PRABHU Director 2003-04-07
01936723 NITEEN CHANDRAKANT SHETYE Director 2003-04-07
00856212 RAJIV KULKARNI BALVANTRAO Director 2003-04-07
00983570 SADANAND KRISHNAJI SAWANT Director 2003-04-07
07126122 SANTOSH BASAVARAJ PATIL Additional Director 2019-01-03
03631442 SATISH BASAVRAJ PATIL Director 2019-01-03
00983588 SHRIDHAR NARAYAN SHETTI Director 2000-04-01
01768701 UDAY VISHWAS SATHE Director 2003-04-07
00983474 VIJAY SHRIPATRAO DESAI Director 1998-04-01
01768780 VIJAYSINHA NARAYANRAO DESAI Director 2003-04-07
01768720 VITHAL NARAYAN DHOTRE Director 2003-04-07


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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