Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01444875 CHANDRAPRABHA SURESH BHAGERIA Wholetime Director 2014-05-10
02235661 GANAPATI DADASAHEB YADAV Director 2019-10-21
00101004 MUKUND MANOHAR CHITALE Director 2019-03-25
00541174 OMPRAKASH ANANDILAL BUBNA Director 1989-07-12
00018156 SHASHIKANT PARMANAND TULSIAN Director 1994-10-21
01147494 SURENDRA SHRIRAM GUPTA Director 2011-08-11
00540285 SURESH KESHAVDEO BHAGERIA Wholetime Director 1994-12-21
02976966 VIKAS SURESHKUMAR BHAGERIA Wholetime Director 2015-03-02
00540308 VINOD KESHAWDEO BHAGERIA Managing Director 1989-07-12


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