Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00078691 AMOURDAGANDESAN SIVASANKARAN Director 1994-07-28
07948571 DHANDAPANI SRINIVASAN Director 2017-11-17
00076313 GIRIJA SUBRAMANIAM GURUSAMI Director 1994-07-28
00109662 GOVINDASAMY PERUMAL Director 1994-07-28
00076625 KUMARAGURU Director 1994-07-28
00076379 NATARAJAN Director 1994-07-28
00076279 RAMACHANDRA GUPTHA Director 1994-07-28
06634087 REVOOR SRIDHAR Director 2013-07-01
00076243 TAIMANESSAMY Director 1999-11-12
00109543 THENMOZHI KANNAIAH MUDALIAR Director 2000-09-30


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