Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07347134 ANAB BHATTACHARYA Director 2017-11-30
01438216 ARUN KUMAR BARAD Director 2015-04-30
05336720 ATANU DATTA Director 2015-04-30
01717668 HIROO THAKURDAS MAKHIJANI Director 2015-04-30
05318933 NARASIMHAMURTHY NAGARAJARAO Director 2015-04-30
03640903 PREMANANDAM VARIGANJI Director 2017-11-30
01631690 SATYAJIT MOHANTY Director 2015-04-30
00254188 SONU BHARGAVA Director 2017-12-29
00039732 VENKATA SUBBA RAO KOTHA Director 2017-11-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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