Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08248435 ABHIJIT ADSUL DNYANOBA Director 2018-09-18
08248416 AMIT ARUN PATIL Director 2018-09-18
02292227 JALINDER TATYASAHEB POL Director 2018-09-18
03167732 KIRANKUMAR DNYANDEO NALE Director 2018-09-18
07882088 KRISHNA RAMRAO GALINDE Director 2017-08-11
07879755 KUNAL RAMDAS GHONE Director 2017-08-11
08248444 NIRANJAN VIJAYKUMAR SHAH Director 2018-09-18
08583553 PUNAM JANARDAN PISAL Director 2019-09-20
07717974 ROHAN YASHWANT KAMBALE Director 2018-09-18
08688817 VIKRANT VILASRAO RASAL Director 2020-01-29


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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