Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00918651 AJIT KESHAV RANADE Director 2015-07-28
01098398 ANGARAI NATARAJAN SETHURAMAN Director 2019-10-24
01180722 ANJANI KUMAR SHARMA Director 2015-07-28
00325390 ANTHONY JESUDASAN Additional Director 2007-05-22
07386612 JAGJEET SINGH DESWAL Director 2019-11-27
08621290 JASMINE SHAH Additional Director 2019-11-27
08245533 PARTHA PRATIM SARMA Director 2019-11-15
00004407 PUNIT NARENDRA GARG Director 2019-04-10
07843461 VIRENDRA SINGH VERMA Director 2017-07-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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