Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02547639 ABHIJIT DASGUPTA Director 2018-02-21
02499991 ANANTA KUMAR MITRA Director 2003-07-27
07825229 ASHIM PRAKASH DAS Director 2017-09-16
01419627 INDRAJIT MOOKERJEE Director 2017-09-16
00558593 JAWHAR SIRCAR Director 2017-09-16
00788617 KAUSTUV GHOSH Director 2012-03-31
00272953 RAMENDRA LAL AUDDY Director 2010-03-28
01921688 SHANKAR ROYCHOWDHURY Director 2010-03-28
00471171 SOUMYA KANTI ACHARYA Director 2010-03-28
00470254 SRIKUMAR MENON Director 2010-08-29


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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