Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07034528 BHARATHI POLA Director 2015-01-12
07034541 MAHESHKUMAR MOHANRAO BHADGALE Director 2015-01-12
07082551 MILAN MADHU NALAWADE Additional Director 2015-02-08
08251408 PRIYA VARDHAMAN BAFNA Additional Director 2018-09-11
07034573 SANTAJI UTTAM NALWADE Director 2015-01-12
07034626 SHAILESH BAPURAO SHINDE Director 2015-01-12
08251414 SNEHAL SANTAJI NALWADE Additional Director 2018-09-11
07034633 SUNITHA DURGAM Director 2015-01-12
08251415 VAISHALI SHAILESH SHINDE Additional Director 2018-09-11
07035141 VARDHAMAN CHANDRAKANT BAFNA Director 2015-01-12
08251416 YOGITA MAHESH BHADGALE Additional Director 2018-09-11


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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