Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00520416 AMBOOKEN JOSE JOJO Director 2004-01-22
00106808 GEORGE AKKARAKARAN PAILOTH Director 1964-07-25
08193263 JOHN JACOB Director 2018-07-11
00521945 KALLIYATH VERGHESE JOSEPH Director 2001-07-25
00520329 PALAMATTATH MATHEW ITTOOP Director 1998-05-20
02381937 PEREPPADAN JOSEPH JOSEPH Director 1973-05-31
08366313 SAMSON VARGHESE PEREPPADAN Director 2019-02-08
00382904 SUNNY FRANCIS Director 1990-08-04
00163306 THOMAS CHAKKAPPAN KANICHAI Director 1998-08-01
00520352 THOMAS VARGHESE THOMAS Director 1990-10-26


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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