Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01863278 AJIT ABRAHAM PRASADAM Director 2007-09-26
01867129 BANERJEE JESUDASON Director 1999-08-28
02771691 DAVID SELVAMONY EBI SAMUEL Director 2008-11-11
02181558 EVA MARIA SIEBERT JOHNSON Director 1994-09-23
07669785 MOHAN Director 2017-01-28
00172141 PETER R SELVARAJAN Director 2015-09-25
00280785 PRASHANT RAO MOSES Director 2017-01-28
07327949 SAMUEL ABRAHAM Director 2016-01-23
08362327 STEFANIE ZOYANKA LAZARUS GEB KOWSKI Director 2019-02-16


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