Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08267579 AJAYKUMAR VARMA RAJARAJA VARMA Director 2018-09-05
07095388 AKKAPPARAMBIL CHIYAMU MOIDEEN Director 2018-09-05
08350600 KESAVAN PARAMESWARAN NAIR NAIR Managing Director 2018-10-08
07484137 RAVEENDRAN GIRIJA Director 2018-09-05
08265217 SHINY GEORGE Director 2018-09-05
08003170 SINDHU LEKSHMIKUTTY Director 2017-09-27
01750512 TELLENKIYIL KURIAKOSE JOSE Director 2016-11-14
07610844 VADAKKAN VEEDU RAMESH Director 2016-11-14
06999942 YAMUNA VIJAYAKUMAR Director 2018-03-21


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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