Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02405671 AMIT PATODIA Director 2014-08-31
01159095 ANIL KUMAR SARAF Director 2012-09-16
00012117 ASHOK KUMAR AGARWAL Director 2010-07-27
00472752 KRISHNA KUMAR AGARWAL Director 2018-11-25
01425937 MAHESH AGRAWAL Director 2012-09-16
00585089 RAJKUMAR BIDASARIA Director 2014-08-31
03164231 RAKESH MAHALKA Director 2016-09-11
06367987 SHEW KUMAR SINGHANIA Director 2012-09-16
00219789 VIJAY KUMAR AGARWAL Director 2010-07-27
00398211 VIKASH AGARWAL Director 2018-11-25
03324668 VIKASH AGARWAL Director 2016-09-11
00539612 VINOD KUMAR JAJOO Director 2018-11-25


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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