Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06713150 ARVINDKUMAR PATEL Director 2013-10-19
06711475 ASHESHKUMAR GOPALDAS SHAH Director 2013-10-19
01625176 ASHISH KANUBHAI AMIN Director 2017-11-21
03037598 DHIRAJLAL NATHALAL GAJERA Director 2013-10-19
07325518 HIRENBHAI SURESHBHAI PATEL Director 2015-10-28
06705495 JATIN MANUBHAI AMIN Director 2013-10-19
07321393 MANTHAN SUBODH SHAH Director 2015-10-28
02091646 MAYURKUMAR BIPINCHANDRA MODI Director 2013-10-19
03416146 MUNJAL THAKKAR VIPUL Director 2013-10-19
00458996 RASESH JAYESHKUMAR PARIKH Director 2013-10-19
06713138 RONAK RAVIBHAI PATEL Director 2013-10-19
01208468 SACHIN RAVINDRABHAI PATEL Director 2013-10-19
06717319 SANJAYKUMAR NAGINDAS SHAH Director 2013-10-19
07182335 VIR RAJESH PATEL Director 2017-11-21
07148971 VIRALBHAI DILIPBHAI PATEL Director 2017-12-20

Past Directors of CREDAI VADODARA

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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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