Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
03127453 ARVIND SHANKARA RAO ATIGNAL Director 2015-09-15
00025758 FERZAAN NARIMAN ENGINEER Director 2014-06-15
06673807 GERARDUS ADRIANUS HOOGLAND Director 2015-09-15
06940674 GILLIAN MARGARET MORROW CORKEN Director 2015-09-15
00025793 HIMANSHU MADHUSUDAN SHAH Director 2014-03-11
07160934 JOHN GOODACRE Director 2015-09-15
07252369 OPPEL BERNHARDT WILHELM GREEFF Director 2015-08-03
01340419 RAVI ACHAR Director 2015-11-27
08825730 RIDHI CHAUDHARY Director 2020-09-16
06561383 SHIKAR BIPIN DHARAMSEY NENSEY Director 2015-09-15
00240963 SURESH RAMU Director 2014-03-11
01457380 VISHAL BALI Director 2016-02-05


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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