Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
01501132 CHETTIPARAMBIL SREENATH Managing Director 1997-08-21
01085679 DEEPA PAUL VADUKUMCHERRY Director 2017-03-20
07629059 FREDY FRANCIS Managing Director 2016-12-31
07629069 KAITHARAN CHAKKO THOMSON Director 2017-08-22
07959327 LIJO Director 2017-11-25
07292453 LILLYKUTTY PAUL Director 2017-08-22
01487990 MANDAKAN OUSEPH PAUL Director 1997-08-21
01740246 PAUL VADUKUMCHERRY Director 1997-08-21
07629074 RADHA KRISHNAN NAIR Director 2017-08-22
08003287 SREEHARI SREENATH Director 2017-11-25


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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