Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08164768 ABHIJIT ARVIND LELE Director 2018-06-06
06761521 AMIT PRATAP DOMALE Director 2018-06-05
08054564 AMOL SURESH GAIKWAD Director 2018-06-05
08164789 APARNA MAHESH DESHPANDE Director 2018-06-06
08164779 MAMTA ROHIT JETHALE Director 2018-06-06
08164790 MILIND KUNDANMAL DARDA Director 2018-06-06
08164770 MRUNAL MILIND BORGAONKAR Director 2018-06-06
06761525 NITIN DATTATRAYA BARVE Director 2018-06-05
08164794 SACHIN ARVIND PHADKE Director 2018-06-06
06761534 SHAILESH VASANT DESHMUKH Director 2018-06-06
08164804 SHRIRANG DATTATRAY ATHAVALE Director 2018-06-06


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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