Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02538205 ANANDHA PRAKASH MUNDAPPAT KUMARAN Additional Director 2012-02-15
02538185 CHOORAPUZHA ABRAHAM MATHEW Director 2000-06-14
02540710 JOSEPH MALEKUDIYIL MATHAI Director 2000-06-14
01476231 JOY JOHN Director 1996-09-03
00144177 KALLARACKAL MATHEW JOSEPHBINOY Director 1996-09-03
02538282 KURIAKOSE YOHANNAN Director 1996-09-03
01327625 MADACKAL THOMMAN AUGUSTINE Director 1996-05-30
02538259 PARUNTHANMACKIL BABY MATHAI Director 1996-09-03
01327582 PATHIKKAL SREEDHARAN SADANANDAN Managing Director 1996-05-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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