Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07403312 ABHISHEK BHAGWAT JAGATAP Director 2016-03-02
07403313 BALU ABHIMAN GAIKWAD Director 2016-03-02
07403316 DILIP AJINATH BICHITAKAR Director 2016-03-02
07403318 JAYWANT GOVIND BHOSALE Director 2016-03-02
07403319 KAILAS RAMA JAGATAP Director 2016-03-02
07403322 PRABHAKAR NAGESH SONAVANE Director 2016-03-02
07403324 RAHUL HANUMANT SHINDE Director 2016-03-02
03347898 RAMESH VITTHALRAO SHINDE Director 2016-03-02
07403327 SAGAR MADHUKAR SHINGADE Director 2016-03-02
03347943 SHARDA RAMESH SHINDE Director 2016-03-02
07403328 SUKHADEV RAMA WAGH Director 2016-03-02


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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