Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06949999 ADITYA SINGH Director 2014-08-29
00010490 AMARJIT SINGH MINOCHA Director 2015-05-20
00254161 ASHOK KUMAR TYAGI Wholetime Director 2017-12-01
02569464 DEVINDER SINGH Wholetime Director 2017-12-01
00001982 DHARAM VIR KAPUR Director 2006-04-21
00559460 GURVIRENDRA SINGH TALWAR Director 2006-04-21
00067233 PIA SINGH Director 2003-02-18
01197009 PRAMOD BHASIN Director 2013-08-12
00051215 PRIYA PAUL Director 2019-04-01
01440785 RAJEEV TALWAR Wholetime Director 2014-02-14
00022285 RAJIV KRISHAN LUTHRA Director 2013-08-12
00003214 RAJIV SINGH Wholetime Director 1988-11-16
00485623 VED KUMAR JAIN Director 2014-02-14
00101328 VIVEK MEHRA Director 2018-02-13

Past Directors of DLF LIMITED

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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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