Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00989276 ABDUL NAZAR KARUPPAM VEETIL Director 2009-01-20
00690010 ABRAHAM MATHAI MATHEW Director 2010-03-01
02327633 ALIJAN AKBARALI RAJAN Director 2010-09-30
06786064 AMIT ANOOP SAXENA Director 2016-09-07
00319797 ASHIT JAYANTKUMAR MEHTA Director 2019-06-24
02204819 BHUPINDER SINGH Director 2009-03-02
00043910 DEEPAK HUNDRAJ CHHABRIA Director 1997-08-27
00408751 NARINDER NATH DAULATRAM MEHRA Director 2009-01-20
01315027 OMPRAKASH BHODRAJ BHARDWAJ Director 1997-08-27
01619418 PREM LAXMANDAS BHATIA Director 2009-03-02
02940888 RAJU SOHANLAL MONGA Director 2010-03-01
01272978 SUNILKUMAR OMPRAKASH KOCHHAR Director 2009-01-20


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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