Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06376765 ALPABEN VIPINBHAI PATEL Wholetime Director 2012-09-20
06375422 DIPALI KANTIBHAI KACHHADIYA Wholetime Director 2012-09-20
05212129 GIRDHARBHAI GHELABHAI KACHHADIYA Wholetime Director 2012-04-03
05212134 HARSHIDA GORDHANBHAI SORTHIYA Wholetime Director 2012-04-03
09089909 KANTILAL GHELABHAI KACHHADIYA Wholetime Director 2021-03-04
03507212 LALJIBHAI DAYABHAI BARSIA Wholetime Director 2012-04-03
06375413 PRAFULABEN BARSIA LALJIBHAI Wholetime Director 2012-09-20
05212136 RAGHAVBHAI MOHANBHAI SORATHIA Wholetime Director 2012-04-03
05185606 RANJANBEN SURESHBHAI SORATHIYA Wholetime Director 2012-06-30
03507209 SURESH DEVJIBHAI SORATHIYA Wholetime Director 2012-04-03
03507213 VIPIN BHAGVANJIBHAI PATEL Wholetime Director 2012-04-03


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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