Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00469852 AARTI SANDEEP PATEL Director 2018-09-30
00065060 ABHAY KUMAR SINHA Director 2015-09-30
01540018 ANJANA RAMESH SHARMA Director 2006-09-29
01539108 ASHOKE PANDIT Director 2006-09-29
02540132 DHARMINDRA KAMAL MEHRA Director 2006-09-29
02659190 DILIP DIWANJI DALVI Director 2006-09-29
00248258 HIRACHAND DAMJI DAND Director 2019-09-16
02576698 JAVED REHMAN RAFAT ALI KHAN Director 2006-09-29
08428129 PRADEEP KULDEEP SINGH Director 2019-04-30
08481792 RAJESH BARO MITTAL Director 2019-06-22
07054732 RAJESHBHAI BALKRISHNA BHATT Director 2015-09-30
06530124 RAKESH PREM NATH Director 2015-09-30
08428081 SATISH SHIVAPPA POOJARY Director 2019-04-30
06780013 SURENDRA BADRIPRASAD VERMA Director 2018-09-30
01579313 SUSHAMA SHIVRAM SHIROMANEE Director 2006-09-29


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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