Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00042295 ASHOK JAWARILAL GALADA Director 2010-09-18
07952491 BALRAJ MENON CHOORATHIL Director 2017-09-25
00156559 GANESAN VENKATA RAMAN Director 2010-09-18
03291640 GOPALAKRISHNAN VISWANATHAN Director 2010-09-18
00190628 MAHAVEERCHAND DUGAR Director 2006-09-30
00019846 PANCHAPAKESAN VISWANATHAN Director 2010-09-18
07619635 PAVAN KUMAR TRIVEDI Director 2016-09-24
01811994 SANJAY BHANSALI Director 2019-09-28
00011552 THOMAS GEORGE MUTHOOT Director 2009-08-01
00467973 VENKATACHALAM GANESAN Director 2018-09-29
00247221 VIJAY CHORDIA PRAKASHCHAND Director 2006-09-30


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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