Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
02107169 ACHUDANARAYANAN NAGARAJAN Director 2013-10-25
06861358 CHANDRASEKHAR KANEKAL Director 2017-09-27
07684586 CHITKALA ZUTSHI Director 2016-12-21
07489985 DEEPAK VERMA Director 2016-12-21
02587354 DEVENDER SINGH RAWAT Director 2019-02-12
03579332 DEVENDRA KUMAR AGRAWAL Wholetime Director 2017-05-27
02895343 PARVEEN KUMAR GUPTA Nominee Director 2020-03-12
06710558 RAJAN JODHRAJ KOCHAR Director 2013-10-10
02686150 RAJENDRAN SOUNDARAM Managing Director 2013-11-29
01807198 SATYANANDA MISHRA Nominee Director 2020-03-12
02569359 SUNIL HASMUKHLAL SHAH Director 2014-11-20
07636298 SURESH BHIMRAO SALVI Director 2016-10-14


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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