Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00079467 DARIUS MINOCHER FORBES Director 1985-10-18
08238513 DATTATRAY KESHAV KUVALEKAR Wholetime Director 2018-09-14
00628951 FARHAD DARIUS FORBES Director 1985-10-18
02344835 JEHANGIR ARDESHIR Director 2013-09-05
03201325 KAIKHUSHROO BURJOR VACHA Wholetime Director 2018-05-11
00076416 KIRAN SURAJBANSI VOHRA Director 1988-03-30
00630825 NAUSHAD DARIUS FORBES Director 1985-10-18
00137326 RATI FARHAD FORBES Director 1989-03-10
02572402 SATYADEO SHARATCHANDRA PUROHIT Wholetime Director 2018-05-11
06682295 VIRAF S PUDUMJEE Director 2013-09-05
07100826 VIRENDRASINGH GILL Wholetime Director 2018-04-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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