Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08379950 ABDUL KHADER ASANUL BANNA Additional Director 2019-03-02
08074176 IMTHIYAS Wholetime Director 2018-02-24
08379941 MANU HANEEFA RAFEEK Additional Director 2019-03-02
08302373 MATTATHIL HASSAN ASEEF Additional Director 2018-12-24
08074175 MOHAMED ASIF PEER MOHAMED Wholetime Director 2018-02-24
08074174 MOHAMMED HANEEFA Managing Director 2018-02-24
08302371 MUNDRAYIL MUHAMMED SABEER Additional Director 2018-12-24
08302397 RAFEEKSHA JABBAR MUTHU Additional Director 2018-12-24
08302377 SHAMSUDDHEEN Additional Director 2018-12-24
08897773 THEKKETHIL MUHAMMED MUSTHAFA Director 2020-09-29
08072225 PRASHANT CHOUBEY Director 2018-03-08
07299159 RAVI KANT VERMA Director 2018-03-08


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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