Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
09198480 ANEESH THARAMMAL Director 2021-06-09
09209626 CHENGALA MUHAMMED RASAK Director 2021-06-21
09193007 CHERAVANGAT SUBHASH Director 2021-06-09
05104808 JOSHY GEORGE Director 2021-06-21
09198479 MAHAMOOD ANIYAPURATH KATTIL Director 2021-06-09
09192396 PALLIKARA SURESH Director 2021-06-09
02820401 VINOD KUMAR DAMBETHAMOOLE Managing Director 2021-06-09
09192956 VINODKUMAR KAMALAMVALAP Director 2021-06-09
09143992 VISWANATHAN KARICHERY NAIR Director 2021-06-21


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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