Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
07632772 ANTONY JOSE ALAPATT Director 2016-11-03
07635515 EVIN TONY Director 2016-11-03
01095747 FANCY GEORGE Director 2016-11-03
05250419 FRANCO THRIKKUKARAN JOSEPH Director 2016-11-03
07629101 JOSEPH ANTONY AKKARA Director 2016-11-03
07089961 LEONEL SHOBY THOTTAN Director 2016-11-03
07667590 MARIES PIUS Director 2016-11-26
08515528 MINI BABU Director 2019-07-27
02641319 POTTAYIL VELAPPAKUTI SUNIL Director 2016-11-03
07637271 PUTHENVEETTIL INASU LAWRENCE Director 2016-11-26
01879432 VARGHESE JOHN OLLUKAREN Managing Director 2018-07-07


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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