Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00036158 ADITYA VIKRAM LODHA Director 1992-12-29
06678944 ASHUTOSH DIXIT Additional Director 2020-04-01
00374298 GAURAV SWARUP Director 2014-08-25
00277426 JEMI DORABJI CURRAVALA Director 2009-07-01
00029427 KRISHNA KUMAR BANGUR Director 1988-07-04
00058396 NANDAN SURAJRATAN DAMANI Director 1993-02-22
00367193 NAYAKANKUPPAM VENKATARAMANI Director 2008-10-19
00004821 PRADIP KUMAR KHAITAN Director 2002-06-08
06993314 SHALINI KALSI KAMATH Director 2015-11-18


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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