Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08347834 AJAY GARG Additional Director 2019-02-01
03333741 AJAY KUMAR Managing Director 2010-12-07
01615117 BHANU PARTAP SINGLA Director 2012-12-12
01619911 HEM RAJ Director 2010-12-07
08424439 NARESH KUMAR Director 2019-03-30
07373940 PUNEET MITTAL Director 2019-01-21
00128297 RAJINDER KUMAR Director 2019-03-30
03339639 ROSHAN LAL Director 2010-12-15
03443086 SANDEEP BANSAL Director 2019-01-21
03333730 SAVITA RANI BANSAL Director 2010-12-07
08335847 SHUBHAM MITTAL Additional Director 2019-02-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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