Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00011400 AMIT AGARWAL Additional Director 2019-12-10
00014112 ANAND AGARWAL Managing Director 2003-04-01
00011486 ASHISH AGARWAL Director 2004-04-01
07510343 ASHOK KUMAR TYAGI Director 2016-05-05
02640402 BALBIR SINGH Wholetime Director 2009-05-15
03362232 HIMANI AGARWAL Director 2011-12-01
06606755 KIRPAL SINGH Director 2013-05-18
00011316 MADHU SUDAN AGARWAL Wholetime Director 2010-04-26
06384218 MAHESH CHAND SHARMA Wholetime Director 2012-09-01
00290780 MANOHAR LAL AGARWAL Managing Director 1989-09-18
07021094 NARAYAN SINGH PAPOLA Director 2014-11-24
00011384 PANKAJ AGARWAL Wholetime Director 2006-07-01
07182252 RENJITH RAVIKUMAR Director 2018-07-27
00011472 UMESH AGARWAL Director 2016-04-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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