Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08580683 AMOL RAJAN PATIL Director 2020-12-01
08526720 ANKUSH JALINDAR CHORMULE Director 2020-12-01
08794646 GANESH APPASAHEB SAHANE Director 2020-12-01
08794655 IRFAN KADARSAB SHAIKH Director 2020-12-01
07561306 JANAKIRAM BHAGACHAND GADEKAR Director 2020-12-01
08794674 KRISHNAT MARUTI PATIL Director 2020-12-01
08978949 OMPRAKASH YASHVANT HIREY Director 2020-12-01
08580684 PRAKASH BABASO KHOT Director 2020-12-01
08578355 PRASAD DHANAJI PAWAR Director 2020-12-01
08794668 ROHIT KAILAS DUBE Director 2020-12-01
08794677 SUJAY VIJAY KUMTHEKAR Director 2020-12-01
08580685 SURESH APPASO KABADE Director 2020-12-01
08798784 SURYAKANT SHANKARRAO DORUGADE Director 2020-12-01
08578311 VIJAY ANNASAHEB MAGADUM Director 2020-12-01
08978948 VINOD VISHWAMBHAR CHAVAN Director 2020-12-01


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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