Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
06371682 AASHISH RAMDAS KAMAT Director 2018-12-18
00682433 ANAND SARVESHWAR SINHA Director 2016-08-01
06979864 BRINDA JAGIRDAR Director 2018-12-18
00040769 HEMANG HARISH RAJA Director 2018-12-18
00082545 PRAVIR KUMAR VOHRA Director 2018-08-01
08764419 SANJAY KUMAR Nominee Director 2020-06-22
03594427 SANJEEB CHAUDHURI Director 2019-05-10
03055561 SUNIL KAKAR Nominee Director 2017-07-16
00082596 VAIDYANATHAN VEMBU Managing Director 2018-12-19
01035771 VISHAL KASHYAP MAHADEVIA Director 2018-12-18

Past Directors of IDFC BANK LIMITED

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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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