Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
08471356 DOMINIC SUJITH JOSEPH Director 2020-09-16
08772657 JAMES MATHAI Director 2020-09-16
07618879 JOSE JOSEPH Director 2020-09-16
08090107 NIBIN JOSE Director 2020-09-16
05321910 NOBY JOSE Director 2020-09-16
02701768 PUTHUPPARAMPIL CHACKO MATHEW Director 2020-09-16
08881681 ROBIN Director 2020-09-16
08772664 SAJI VARGHESE Director 2020-09-16
02760715 SHINE VARGHESE Director 2020-09-16
07611869 SIBY NAMBUDAKATH JOSEPH Director 2020-09-16
08138897 SIBY THOMAS Director 2020-09-16
08881680 SREEKUMAR Director 2020-09-16
02702334 TOMY DOMINIC Director 2020-09-16


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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