Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Date Of Appointment
00234390 ANIL MANSHARAMANI Director 2007-11-27
00217899 BABU LAL DOSI Director 2009-09-29
01141526 LEKH RAJ MAHESWARI Director 2011-09-30
00464783 RAJ KUMAR MALHOTRA Director 2003-09-29
00885257 RAKESH KUMAR SHARMA Director 2001-04-12
00212905 RAVINDER KUMAR PASSI Director 2001-04-12
07932959 SATINDER PRAKASH VADRA Director 2017-09-26
00358206 SATISH DHIR Director 2015-12-28
01767270 SUDESHWAR SARAN Director 2004-09-29
00961029 SUNIL SETHI Director 2010-09-30
00083032 SUNIL SIKKA Director 2008-09-30
01494586 VIVEK VIKAS Director 2002-04-18


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DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date

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